
Development of individual solutions for loyalty programs

We provide comprehensive solutions for implementing loyalty programs in your business


Loyalty program

Loyalty program is a system of encouraging your customers - interconnected bonuses, discounts, promotions, shared or personalized.

Often, the development of a loyalty program is approached in a haphazard manner, skipping extremely important stages of its design. The result is a program launched with low customer value and fairly obvious business results. When developing the concept of a loyalty program, it is necessary to clearly understand that it is primarily a channel for regular interaction with customers and their emotional involvement.

It is necessary to develop a loyalty system in stages. First, you need to check whether your customers are comfortable cooperating with the company, because this is the basis. Then it is necessary to analyze the needs of buyers, the offers of competitors, create several program options and estimate the costs of launching a loyalty program. And none of these stages can be skipped.

We will help you with all the listed stages of development. And we will also select the most suitable option for you to implement the developed loyalty program.


How it works


Types of loyalty programs

  • Discounts
  • Points
  • Coupons
  • Special prices
  • Evening
  • Access to a closed club
  • Closed sales
  • Gifts from the company
  • VIP services
  • Early access to new products

Developing loyalty programs that really work

Our loyalty program is not just discounts and bonuses. Its goal is to increase revenue, profit and market share. Building friendly relationships with customers, the possibility of direct communication, attracting new customers, researching behavior and preferences based on honest data. We implement comprehensive customer service strategies to implement the most profitable loyalty program for your business. And it consists of the following stages:

Pre-project survey:

  • Analysis of the target audience - analysis of the client base
  • Study of client business processes of the company
  • Study of existing loyalty initiatives
  • Identifying key problems and setting a task

Creation of the loyalty program concept:

  • Definition of goals and objectives of the program
  • Selection of target KPIs and methods of their measurement
  • Formation of a strategy for working with target customer segments
  • Program design (motivation system, script and communication model)
  • Budget assessment and program profitability calculation

Program Management Plan:

  • Creating an organizational management model, including defining key roles;
  • Development of a communication model and reporting system

Setting up the EfirCards system for an individually developed loyalty system:

  • Company registration in the system
  • Import of the client base
  • Creation of an individual design for the developed types of cards
  • Setup and launch of mailing to the client base for clients to receive new electronic cards
  • Creation and configuration of Telegram bots, SMS and email newsletters
  • Help in planning marketing mailings for segmented customer bases
  • Setting up the integration of your CRM or POS application with the EfirCards system

Software development for your loyalty program



Additionally, upon request, our company can create chatbots for Telegram that are suitable for solving various tasks. For example, a special bot allows small and medium-sized businesses to easily implement a loyalty system without issuing cards.

All that owners of cafes, hairdressers, shops and workshops need to use a chatbot is to collect a database of customer phone numbers. After that, all mailings of offers, including individual or selective ones, are carried out using Telegram. You can organize promotions, wish customers a happy birthday and give individual gifts, send out information about discounts and hot offers.


Mobile applications

Another individual solution in the direction of customer loyalty that our company can provide is the development of a mobile application.

The mobile application allows you to become a member of the loyalty program from the first purchase. The application provides many advantages: quick registration, registration directly in the store or office, convenient interaction with the brand, setting alerts, tracking changes and innovations, interactive.

Simple authorization allows you to immediately participate and get involved in the process, gamification is easily implemented, a modern approach allows you to contact an audience of any age. To implement a loyalty system through a mobile application, it is necessary to think about how the client's smartphone will interact with the business.

The fastest and easiest way is to turn to specialists. Design, technical development of the program, implementation, promotion - these are the components of a successful launch. Our company provides comprehensive services for the development of mobile loyalty programs. We take into account all the specifics of the business, think through the concept, conduct all calculations, implement programs and help launch them.


Sites and personal accounts

The loyalty program on the website and the creation of a personal account is a mutually beneficial story. The client receives gifts and the opportunity to save by buying with discounts. For this, it is important that registration in the personal account is easy and convenient.

When registering, you will collect profile data of customers in order to make them profitable promotional offers in the future. Collect shopping statistics and customize the loyalty program for those buyers who make the most orders.

Creating a personal account also allows:

  • monitor the results of the loyalty program for regular customers (accounting for points, amounts for the transition to the next level);
  • collect a client base and increase sales using e-mail marketing tools;
  • track conversions and customer preferences to build CJM;
  • communicate effectively with customers.

From us you can order a comprehensive service for the development of a website and a personal account for users. And also get help in implementing the most beneficial loyalty program for your business.

Creating landing pages or promotional sites for large-scale promotions is already a request for large brands and large-scale corporations. Our team can also perform such a difficult task.

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